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A beautiful letter got me thinking...

By 10:11 PM

I've been called out twice this week for not writing on the blog [cough cough. Erin and Nathan... thanks for the kick].

Usually I write when I've got something brewing in my head. Tonight, however, I have no pent-up thoughts from which to begin.  In fact, the only inspiration I carry with me is a blog post that Meredith shared weeks ago.  Though I don't agree with every single phrase, I am moved by this blogger's desire to embrace and champion her child---regardless of sexuality.  She constructs a beautiful letter (addressed to her growing son) that challenges me to be a better human and more flexible with my determined conclusions.

As I read the post, I was reminded of a time when I saw parents react very differently...

A few years ago, one of my dearest college friends asked me to accompany her on a rather difficult venture: she "came out" to her parents.  I was invited along for moral support--- laughter on the drive there and shared tears on the way home.  I remember the exact moment my friend courageously allowed the admission to fall from her lips.  With tears streaming down her face, blurred vision, unsure eye-contact, and a quivering voice she told her parents that she would never marry a man because she was attracted to women.  Her mother began crying and dropped her face into shaking hands. Her father rose from his chair and briskly left the room.  I sat with my friend in the awkward uncertainty that followed.

It was a weird night for us both.  For my friend because she faced her worst fear (disappointing her parents) in an effort to honor her parents through honesty.  For me because, if only for a moment, I glimpsed the life of a gay Christ-follower and it is decidedly difficult--- thanks to a disputable line drawn by the Church.

The Church (big "C" use of the word, meaning the global community of believers) has taken a Biblical stand on lots of issues: drugs, abortion, divorce, pre-martial sex, gambling, pornography, etc.  The thing is.... I sit on the same pew with addicts and divorcees each week.  All of those people come to church with their hidden story (their sin).  Adulterers sit in the balcony, gossips sing in the choir, and gamblers pray the offertory.  But no one is sending them away.  Rightfully so.
And no one's is calling incessant gossip a "lifestyle." Though it is.

So why are homosexuals treated like present-day lepers?  If homosexuality is a sin, then it's just that: a sin. No worse than your sin struggle or mine.  And all sinners are welcome to approach Jesus with confidence (Hebrews 4:16).  If homosexuality is not a sin, then it would be wise for all the stone throwers to drop their weapons and desist condemnation.

Here's my issue, (and it's not that my friend is both a lesbian and a believer), my issue is that her coming-out experience is common.  Her story is one I've heard from half a dozen other friends.  And their stories are unacceptable because they bear so much pain.  They fear being honest and anticipate open judgment from others (family, clergy, friends, elementary teachers, childhood neighbors, total strangers).  That is a tragedy in our world.

I think we should stop drawing lines in the sand.  Let's leave the changing, completing, wrecking, and judging up to God--- makes more sense as He's better equipped for the judgment role, being perfect and all.  Instead of condemning others... let's try accepting, loving, challenging, and encouraging.  Because life's messy, and it's nice to have a friend in your corner.

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