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Trivial Nigerian Nudity

By 3:35 PM

My friends gab all the time about a little tradition they participate in called TRIVIA TUESDAYS. The weekly tradition warrants all-caps as a way of expressing their charming enthusiasm for their beloved get-together. I am the master of few games, maybe charades and taboo, but I am forever a failure at all games requiring extensive factoid recall. This is a point of great shame for me, but I choose to admit my extensive shortcomings anyways.

I attended TRIVIA TUESDAY on a fluke. My brainiac of a little brother was warmly invited, due to his humble persona and elaborate fact storage capabilities. I rode downtown with my siblings and therefore ended up at the trivia event, by default, awaiting the onset of doom.

Our first team dilemma was over what to name ourselves. A table of clever, sarcastic, and prideful degenerates who felt compelled to find the perfect name that would stimulate jealousy and awaken fear amongst the night's competitors. Matt had an idea for how to choose a team name: "Why doesn't everyone share your most embarrassing moment, and we'll go from there."

I laughed, knowing already what experience has most mortified me during my young life. My sister asked, "Lys, do you already know yours?"
"Of course," I reply, with a smirk.
Laughing, expecting a colossal tale my sister asks, "Which one is it?"
"Naked in Nigeria, how could anything else compete."

And so this Tuesday our team was dubbed Naked in Nigeria. It was a compelling team name that elicited no jealousy from any other trivia group. It instilled zero fear into our cocky competitors. The mention of my most humiliating moment did not even force a narration of my nude African woes. My most embarrassing story has been formally reduced to a losing trivia team's name.

And so I now wonder what other monumental life moments can I reduce for the sake of impending trivia failure?

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