Writing Prompts
- Start your story with, "In retrospect, I wouldn't say it was my best idea." And end it with, "And that's how I attempted to make this world a better place."
- Write a short story based on your favorite song, using the song’s title as your story’s title and the lyrics for your plot.
- Describe a typical day in middle school.
- The weather today makes me feel...
- If I could relive one memory...
- Describe how you have changed in the last five years.
- If you could trade lives with someone else, who would it be and why?
- What age are you most looking forward to?
- Create a fictional character you'd like to read a story about.
- Think back to a time when you say a stranger say or do something that that caught your attention. Write one page from the stranger's point of view about what they are doing and why.
- Recall a vivid or perhaps reoccurring dream. Write one page, making the dream as believable as possible. Don't mention they are dreams. Allow yourself to let go and create a drifting stream of consciousness account. Leave all your notions of punctuation, proper paragraph structure, and logical jumps behind (which if you're anything like me shouldn't be hard). This gives you practice for writing surreal scenes and images in a story.
- Finish this sentence: "My mother never..."
Finish this sentence: "My father is..."
Finish this sentence: "That's what happens when you follow your heart..."
Finish this thought: "I didn't go to ____ looking for redemption, but somehow I found it." - Write a page about an embarrassing, or painful incident that happened to you.
- Every family has an anecdote. A short, usually funny story that is told at almost every family gathering. Expand it.