Just Another Blog

Just Another Blog
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By 8:30 PM

Last weekend I competed in my first triathlon. Before you decide to be even remotely impressed, it was only a sprint distance (300m swim, 15 mi bike, and 5k run).

Yep, I finished a triathlon. I "tri"ed.

The whole race was a transformative event.
It was neat to train and accomplish an actual tri, even a sprint distance. There's something triumphant about testing and pushing your physical limits. Which I was able to do, especially since the entire race occured during a cold thunderstorm.

The experience was challenging in one unexpected way: I competed without a single friend or family member there to cheer me on. It was the first time, in my entire life, that I recall doing anything significant without the ready encouragement of others. That sounds unbelievable, I know. But you should meet my parents, siblings, and friends... they have supported me in the best and worst of times.

So, this race was especially difficult because I faced it alone. I felt solitary as I awoke on a frigid saturday morning to eat, dress, and stretch alone. I felt abandoned in those pre-dawn hours as I drove to an unfamiliar city in the pouring rain only to get lost and frustrated. I felt forsaken as I registered with one minute to spare and race time quickly approaching. Okay, okay, you get the gist... I felt rather deserted.

Until I realized: I'm never alone. In fact, I've literally never truly been all alone. Not in my suffering or in my victories. I am always with my Maker.


Last summer I worked at a kids camp. Every week, my campers memorized Scripture and created dramatic movements to accompany each key word. Their favorite verse of the entire summer included flexing their kid muscles and displaying expressions of bravery, fear and resolve. The verse was Joshua 1:9 which says, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."


I competed in my first triathlon... unabandoned. I was in the company of my Savior. The same God who created the universe chooses to be with me always. He who formed my muscles to relax and contract was with me through every moment of this feat. And, though it's illogical and rather unlikely, Jesus is absolutely my biggest fan.

And so, I swam with strength, biked with courage, and ran without fear because my God is with me. Now that's reason to tri.

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