Just Another Blog

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Room for Honesty

By 8:36 AM

Why do all of the significant conversations of life occur late at night? It's true, isn't it? We humans hardly ever discuss meaningful things on our way in to work or over lunch in a crowded restaurant. It seems that when the sun hides its brilliance, announcing another day's conclusion, it then that our contemplative nature arises. Stirring in perfect sync with the moon. As though the darkness of night beckons honesty; the moonlight allows us to finally surrender to our hidden need for profound connection. Maybe as it rises each night, it calls and awakens something previously snoozing away in our depths.

Last night I was on the phone with my friend, Kim, until 1am. We laughed a bit. She told me about her exploration of our expansive nation, state by state. And I talked about the latest book that's wrecked my white-picket-fence Americanism and reminded me, again, of my dreams for more.

My dear friend dominated our hours of conversation last eve. She "won" this round of dialogue because her need for community outweighed societal demands for conversational equity. She just needed to talk it out, to be real about the polluted places within her fresh marriage. Kim shared deep, broken places. Asked questions, confessed doubts, and admitted to her pestering worries. We talked about how messy life is, and how sometimes that can bring us hope. Other days it's depressing, outright disheartening.

Kim's portion is heavy. It's not easy, or pretty, or fun. But I see and hear Christ anyways. He is walking in the midst of her new wedlock. He is whispering into her thoughts. He is ministering to her soul's aching. If it weren't for our unseen Lord at work in our lives, I would feel hopeless for my friend. I would worry about her marriage. I would feel uncertain about today. But instead I see Him caring for each of us.

I need Jesus. Yes, in different ways than Kim, but He is a necessity nonetheless. Eldredge writes, "we will need our whole hearts for whatever is coming next." It is true. Because tomorrow might actually be harder than today. The sun will set and the moon emerge, allowing for a new night to deliver harsher or richer candor.

Then again, the new moon may bring hope and joy in conversation. That night may invite new life or birth undaunted dreams. But we will need our whole hearts for that as well, won't we? So as the sun sets and the moon dances out into the sky, may our friendships have room for honesty. May our whole hearts be ready for what is next.

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