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The Heartache Series: An Introduction

By 10:44 AM

Heartache Series: The Why
Heartache is a miserable experience (understatement) and an ugly topic, but I process things best when I write and reflect.  So, I'm using my blog as a platform for understanding, coping with, and hopefully moving past my current heartache. (No one regularly reads this blog anyways).

I'm convinced that heartache has phases, similar to the stages of grief. Those 7 stages include:
   (1) Shock & denial
   (2) Pain & guilt
   (3) Anger & bargaining
   (4) Depression, reflection, loneliness
   (5) The upward turn
   (6) Reconstruction & working through
   (7) Acceptance and hope
Now, I don't believe that heartache's phases mirror these grief stages exactly. However, I would argue that aspects of the grief stages are present in every part of heartache.

This series of posts will deal with the process of heartache. In a way, it's a cruel welcoming to the Broken Heart Committee-- a place where broken people recognize their own failings, see their old partner in a truthful light, and press in towards wholeness again.  With this series, my goal is to chronicle the phases of heartache in consecutive order... but I make no promises of success as heartbreak is a complicated beast and is experienced rather differently by every person (and every ended relationship).

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