Just Another Blog

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Celebrating with E

By 10:43 AM

A week ago one of my best friends went hiking.  On that fun Saturday outing, her fella got down on one knee and asked her to be his wife.  I've been excited for her everyday since she started dating Leon but that joy has doubled since she responded with a YES!

It's easy to celebrate with E!  Her journey towards finding her "one" is relate-able.  She wasn't the prom queen or the sorority socialite.  Instead, she was the college girl who developed a handful of friendships---- but you always heard the most laughter from behind their dorm room door.  E is fun to celebrate because her journey is real, not riddled with fairy dust and easiness.  Though E is gorgeous, she is down to earth.  She's reserved and, yet, one of the silliest friends I've ever had.  She is authentic... but without lording her humility over you and making you feel lesser.

I am excited to be excited for my friend as she basks in the joy of loving Leon and choosing marriage.  My joy doubles when I think upon her journey that has led to this romance.  I am grateful for all the prayers that broke her of fear and trembling (a closed-ness she once knew).  I am grateful that she is a Christ lover and seeker, enabling Him to slowly but surely mold her as He sees fit (Jeremiah 18:6).  He alone has made straight her paths (Proverbs 3:6).  He has prepared her for what lays ahead.

And so... I celebrate with E!

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