A Few Letters...
Dear Matt Wertz, I'm the one. Why are you oblivious? You've been "Counting to 100" long enough... P.S. I'd probably go on a date with you even if you wore a sweaty-guitar-strap t-shirt (which you rock after every one of your shows).
Dear Bravo Channel, Keep finding rich, shallow women and broadcasting their lives. I promise to be helplessly repulsed and addicted.
Dear UK, If I bat my eyelashes in your direction, will you let me graduate early? Maybe even skip the whole dissertation thing?

Dear Conan, Have Will Farrell on your show more often. He comes prepared and all you have to do is laugh.
Dear Khaled Hosseini, Write more books.
Dear Old Navy, You have the worst marketing team of all time. Why do you keep paying them money? Your commercials are lame. Always.
Dear Best Friends on the Planet, You make me laugh. You help my know myself and my Savior. You call me on my shit. I am grateful for your love and influence.
Dear Water, You are so good. Sometimes I like you even more than Dr. Pepper.
Dear Every Cigarette Smoker on the Planet, What is the big deal? What goes on in your head... anything? Smoking is expensive, disgusting and fatal. It's not rocket science.
Dear Blake Mycoskie, Great idea.
Dear Morocco, I miss your starry nights and mint tea.
Dear Chelsea Handler, You are hilarious... in a completely inappropriate way that I love.
Dear Clue (Board Game), I believe you can make a comeback. Besides... Colonel Mustard just looks sketchy.
Dear Alyssa, You'll do anything to procrastinate. It's rather impressive. Cheers.