"Like a Girl"
For as long as I can remember "like a girl" has been a negative phrase. Coaches told me not to hit the ball "like a girl." Teachers responded to hurt feelings or tears with a warning: "don't be such a girl about it." I've heard baseball fans heckle opposing teams with one enduring insult: "you swing like a girl!" Boys tease other boys on the playground for being "a girl" or "a sissy" for various reasons. In short, the phrase is used to shame and minimize girls and boys alike.
Why has the description "like a girl" become a common place taunt?
What if we (as women, as men, as a society, as a human race) worked to RECLAIM the phrase? What if we make the phrase "like a girl" mean daring and courageous things?
I salute the Always company and their quest for this reclaiming.