Just Another Blog

Just Another Blog
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cake part deaux

By 10:25 PM

I would like to inform you, dear blog readers, that after waxing poetic last night on homemade birthday cakes and celebrating those you love, I went to my aunt and uncle's for lunch.  Really, it was to tell my cousin Morgan goodbye before she went back to college.

I walked in only to hear someone say, "You made it for the birthday luncheon!"

"Who's birthday is it?" I asked, confused.

"Clayton's," my grandfather replied.

"Geez. Thanks, Meredith," interjected my now 17 year-old cousin Clayton.

And there you have it.  I forgot my own flesh and blood's birthday.  I felt like the scum of the earth.  So what did I do?  After I apologized,  I iced his yellow cake with chocolate icing.

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