The Heartache Series: Bitterweet... It's a Bitch

Today I sit in this airport saturated by sweet memories. It’s bittersweet to remember. Recalling how full my heart was. Recounting the hopefulness, the kisses, embraces, laughs, stories, and shared experiences. It’s bittersweet to remember the romance as new and unweathered, untainted. A year ago, I was lovesick. And now I’m just sick of love. Sick to death of its recurring pain, like tentacles that won’t release a victim. It’s hard to remember the good times.
Heartache is a torment.
A broken heart seems unrelenting because even when you’re
through the worst of it, little thoughts or memories resurface. And, when left to my own sullen devices,
those indelible memories loose the floodgates. Beautiful moments come pouring in and my cold heart grows
soft, then angry, then hurt. Over
and over again.
I guess what I’m saying is, even when it gets better heartache is still a bitch.
I guess what I’m saying is, even when it gets better heartache is still a bitch.